
When you sweep the stairs, always remember to start at the top!


Summer 2024...The summer of North Korean Trash Ballons

I took the dog for a walk this morning (Thursday 27 June) and while we were out we encountered the local police taping off a section of my apartment complex. The reason for this activiity was a North Korean trash balloon had come down. The balloon was caught in a tree and some of the trash had fallen onto the ground. I wanted to take a picture, but the police were loudly discouraging me and other onlookers from snapping photos. I'm not sure why they didn't want us to take pictures, but I don't think it had much affect. For example, I managed to take one picture serriptiously, but all I got in the photo was the police tape and few piecces of cardboard trash.This clearly demostrates why I never went into investigative reporting. My ability to operate s hidden camera is very limited (not shown: a picture of my sandals and some random shrubbery). The trash ballons have been coming down all over the place, they even closed Incheon Airport for a short period of time.

Spring 2024...

I still have an online presence, but it's more like a closet in a guest bedroom; a mostly forgotten space with a few keepsakes that sit forlornly in the dark.

The Year of COVID 2019...

One would think that with lockdowns and restricted travel a blog would do well during a pandemic, but that doesn't seem to be the case. As this blog can surely attest, it was again underutilized. And, so, the trend continues. But can something that has lasted over a decade still be called a trend? My blog, like America’s war on terror, began in 2001. Ameican has its forever war and I have my forever blog.

The blog doesn't just lack content, it is also experiencing the white screen of death (WSoD). This means that my WordPress blog isn't loading correctly. To fix, I have to play whack-a-mole with my file and folder names or I can uninstall and then re-install. This latter option of couse removes all previous posts which kind of defeats the current purpose. My blog is more of an archive than an active online environment. If and when I re-install WordPress it will even cease to be an archive.

Fall Semester 2018

This part of my website languishes due to my inattention. I just though I should state the obvious.

Fall Semester 2013

To my friends at 참글: Here are the PDFs for my coursebooks this semester.

  1. TPEC: Materails Design and Development (online)
  2. TPEC: Materials Design and Development (offline)
  3. TPEC: YL-Materials Design and Development
  4. TPEC: YL-TELS 2 (Reading & Writing)
  5. GSE-YL: Materials Use and Lesson PLanning
  6. GSE: Teaching Listening & Speaking
  7. GSE: Multicultural Education

Spring Semester 2013

A new semester and an updated and refurbished homepage. Some features that I hope to add in the coming months are:

1) I hope to get my moodle up and running and 2) I want to add the ability to do online surveys.

BoA's Project: July 11th, 2011

BoA follow this link!

Picture Links

My brother, Brian, took photos of the kids when we went back for Christmas in 2008. Here are a couple of links to the pictures he took.

Noah, BoA and Andy                                                            Just Noah 

Resuscitating the Blog

The blog was badly neglected in 2009, but the hope is that it won't be neglected in 2010. A new decade brings with it a new picture. I was torn between using an image of a trunk monkey or this Avatar Inspired Living Room. I went with the Avatar Inspired Living Room, because I have Avatar envy. I only wish my intellectual property grossed $500 million in three weeks. 

Coming Home for Christmas (2008)

Our travel date have been set. We leave Korea in the morning of the 24th of December and arrive Boston the evening of the 24th of Korea. Even though is a 22 hour flight we still manage to travel half the world in only a handful of hours. We will be returning to Korea somewhere around the second week of February. We are staying long enough to make sure we have a chance of overstaying our welcome J

Vacation 2008

The tradition continues...

Here's a gallery of our Samcheok Vacation 2008.

New Years Resolution:

To make a kick ass home page. 

One would think that since I have been playing around with HTML since 1995, I should already have a kick ass web page. Sadly this is not the case. I have always believed that quick and dirty was the best way to create a page. I tended to be more concerned with making content available to my students and not as concerned with the aesthetics of the page. Consequently I tended to use Microsoft products such as Word and Front Page. These would have to be the quintessential quick and dirty ways to create an uninspiring lump of pages.

Please note: This is my first attempt to use Cascading Style Sheets, so feel free to make fun of my efforts.

High Hopes!

I am hoping to not only have an aesthetically pleasing home page, but I also am planning on starting a blog, adding picture galleries, and book reviews .

I will also continue to provide links to course related content and materials for my TESOL students and my QuiLT Program participants. 

If you are interested in knowing more about me, follow the links below:          

(Seoul, 2024)